Motivation Monday

I think this verse describes homeschool mamas perfectly. It covers so many aspects of our homeschool journey. So many times we feel like we have failed at keeping our homes clean, yelling at the kids, not taking care of ourselves,or not gotten through to our kids with their school work or just getting them to listen. We have tried to get them to read the same sentence for 5 days and they STILL can’t. We blame ourselves, our choices….we don’t look at the bigger picture. Maybe it just takes this child a bit longer to grasp…maybe they really arent ready to read yet. We compare ourselves to other homeschooler’s children and we compare ourselves to public school kids, we listen to the negative comments from people that don’t agree with your decision to homeschool. We need to stop all of that, but we also need to realize that we will fall time to time, but how we get back up again is the key. If we allow defeat, what are we teaching our kids, that they aren’t worth teaching? That when things get difficult you just quit. No, you get through the tough time, you move on, you try something new, you talk to your kids and are honest with them. Rise again! Rise strong and determined. Rise with a goal in mind, whether it is a goal for that day, that hour, that minute, accomplish something. Maybe just making your bed, reading a book to your child, taking some time to pray, meditate or whatever helps settle your mind and spirit. Lean on God and He will give you the strength to rise from the frustration, anger, hurt, insecurities. I have to tell myself these things too. We are not alone…we all go through these times, but how you rise from them is what we need to pay attention to. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and that if you are in the trenches right now, I pray you find strength and rise again! Talk to you soon! Mandy

Fyi, you guys are doing awesome at getting to the goal of 50 new followers by my birthday on the 12th. We still need about 30 more to reach the goal! I know you guys want that extra review and giveaway!

Author: huntshappyhomeschool

I have been married to my wonderful husband, Ben, for 20 years. We homeschool our three boys, WH, LH and WYH. They drive me nuts and steal my heart all at the same time. We are Christians and strive to show our faith and God's love through how we live our life. I hope this blog will be encouraging to you in your homeschool journey.

4 thoughts on “Motivation Monday”

  1. Love this reminder to be gentle with ourselves as mamas. We are often doing better than we realize and we are the exact moms our children need. How we pick ourselves up after falling does make a difference. We don’t have to be perfect; as long as our children know and feel we love them, that’s what matters. 💛

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  2. Motivation Monday is a good word for anyone at home or outside the home. As a “Book Buddy” I often get frustrated when I think, I should be vacuuming or folding laundry. But then I remember, the laundry always there and shortly my son will have other book buddies to bounce ideas and concepts off of. With thankfulness I remember the blessing of this opportunity, and the vacuuming remains to “What’s up Wednesday”:) love your Wednesday title! I think you rock!!

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